Overview of the Mightier App

Welcome to the world of Mightier!

When you open the Mightier app, you'll be greeted by Gizmo. Gizmo is Mightier’s guide that helps players connect to the heart sensor, choose games, explore the Mightier worlds, and practice cooling down.



After signing in, players see the Home screen. Take a moment to look around!

New Mightier diagram.png


Mightier Games

Tap the Game Library on the bottom of the Home screen to choose any of our games to play:



The Mightier app uses heart rate as an indicator of regulation. Personalized zones are created for each player based on heart rate readings at the beginning and throughout gameplay. When a child's heart rate is in a calm state based on their resting heart rate, they will appear in the Blue Zone on Gizmo. When there is an increase in their heart rate, they will move into the Red Zone on Gizmo. When a player's heart rate increases while playing a game, Lavalings appear to interrupt gameplay (more about them soon!). To keep playing easily, players need to bring their heart rate back down from the Red Zone to the Blue Zone.



To bring their heart rate down, players can either use one of the four calming skills featured in Mightier or use any calming strategy that works for them! Some players choose to pause the game as they cool down to give them more time. Others keep playing as they choose a calming skill on their own. Both are great!

Tap the Skills Lab (bottom right of the Home screen) to change the calming skill that Gizmo demonstrates when players pause the game and bring their heart rate down:



Mightier Worlds

Tap the World Map on the bottom of the Home screen to check out six different, colorful Mightier worlds. Players can browse the different habitats and tap the world they’d like to explore that day. 




Lavalings are colorful, fun Mightier creatures that players collect as they play Mightier. Tap on a Lavaling and you'll see additional information:

Lavaling selected.png

Lavalings are Common (one star), Uncommon (two stars), or Rare (three stars), and take varying numbers of Snowflakes to cool.

As you cool Lavalings, the rarity stars add up. Once you have ten stars, you earn Magmacoins! Magmacoins can be used to buy new outfits and accessories for your Player Avatar in the Seasonal Shops. There's one shop in every world, and each shop has different clothing options.

If a Lavaling has a question mark next to it, this means it's new and has never been cooled before! A Lavaling silhouette indicates it hasn't been collected yet.

Players can go back to the Home screen anytime. This is where to revisit the Game Library and pick a new game to play, and also where to find more Lavalings to chill and collect. Search for a hot Lavaling, then tap it and hold it to cool it! When a Lavaling is cooled, it transforms from hot lava into a cool rock so it can be collected, it's then recorded in the Lavaling Collection Book:



Snowflakes and Medals

While playing, players advance to higher Player Levels by moving through levels in Mightier games, earning Snowflakes, and bringing their heart rate down. Want to know how many Snowflakes you have? Tap the Snowflake Currency Wallet on the upper left of the Home screen. Earning Snowflakes gives players the strength to cool Lavalings. 

Players also earn Medals in individual games as they play. A medal measures how much time you've played a particular game and how many levels of it you've completed. At first, you earn a Bronze medal, then a Silver, and then a Gold. Once you've earned your first gold medal in a game, you can earn additional gold medals in that game.




Magmalings are really big Lavalings that pop out of the ground. When you tap on a Magmaling, you get to practice one of five interactive skills with full-screen animations:

  • "Snake Game" (tracing the line)
  • "Constellations" (tracing the line)
  • "Pufferfish" (deep breathing)
  • Crossing the midline
  • Progressive muscle relaxation

Once you've completed the skill, the Magmaling cools down and goes back underground, and Snowflakes pop out for you to collect. The Magmaling will be back in a few minutes!


Here's a quick look at how it all comes together:


Reach out to the Family Care Team with any questions as you and your player explore Mightier!

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